Saturday, December 13, 2014

Heit Reunion, July 2014

As is tradition with Heit Family Reunions, we take one night and do a guy's night/girl's night. Us girls sat around chatting and making SOCK MONKEYS. I love sock monkeys. I was in charge of the activity part of girls night this year. So here are. Sock monkey-ing it up.

We missed Lois, and all the other members of the Jeff-and-Lois family for this reunion. We still made a sock monkey in her honor and sent it to her.

$4 movie time! Rio was the feature this week

Lunching at the mall

Oak Park Splash Pad

Brie is always the first to freeze out

Oak Park Playground

Hold on, let me take a selfie

Brie was getting the hang of these monkey bars pretty well. I was quite impressed.

Daddy and Greg played a mega tic-tac-toe game
We went ice skating. This was the first time for Abby.

How did our sock monkeys get way down here? Oh yeah, we didn't finish them all the way during girls night. We used random down time to finish them. The blue one I'm holding is a partially finished Lois monkey.

ND State Fair time!

This is the time we wore our fabulous and wonderfully made reunion shirts. We didn't herd around the fair in one big group, so the matching shirts actually came in handy when meeting up. We attracted quite a few stares and happy comments from strangers, welcoming us to North Dakota. That was kind of funny to me, being as I've lived here for over 30 years.

I think the shirts attracted the attention of this interactive kids show host as well. Both Rick and I ended up on stage. None of the kids would have any of THAT kind of fun. I think they got a kick out of seeing the grown ups up there.

I'm doing the chicken dance. Yep. The chicken dance.
I was coerced. 

Daddy wanted to know what it was like to be one of our hamsters running around in a ball. So he gave it a shot.

These guys all had a try. 

GR won the race, and Daddy was sad that he lost.

We happened in to Auntie Beth at the fair and spent some time roaming and riding with her as well.

Abby is old enough, rather tall enough (barely!) to do quite a few of the rides. I was surprised at how much she was NOT scared of these rides.

Hugs for the dolphin

The Tilt-a-Whirl! Too bad the right broke down right after they got loaded into the ride and posed for a picture.

This is the night Jeff and Lois would have been in charge of dinner. So we decided we would eat at Royal Fork instead of just going hungry.

Couldn't let Randy hide

Here is Abby at the mall play place.
She's not falling, just sliding head first.

Roosevelt Pool time!

We got stormed out after not-too-long. That was a bummer. But it was fun while it lasted. 

Good, old fashioned, backyard fun.

Water squirting shenanigans
Fly With Fire Guy came to visit. Too bad we hit him repeatedly.


The kids got a kick out of this.

Searching for little plastic cupcakes filled with treasures.

We stayed busy, that's for sure!

Note to future hosts: Chocolate chips are subpar to M&Ms. Who knew?

Both Daddy and Jeff had birthdays during the reunion, and Randy's was shortly after. So we ate cake! And Daddy got some interesting soda to try.

Almost as an afterthought, the family photo!
We stayed so busy it was hard to find an ideal time. But we did!
Wesley was doing this with his hand, so come of us copied him.

Chelsea thinks this is the absolute funniest picture ever.

It's our blog, so we get to post two family shots. Our littles were not in a picture taking mood. They wanted to be playing still. Oh well. They are still cute, even when frowning.

1 comment:

Mary said...

That was great fun looking through the pictures and commentary. Thanks for posting and hosting.