Thursday, April 16, 2015

First Half of April 2015

 My girls have a unique sense of beauty.


 This picture is adorable. Abby insisted on wearing those black tights even though I tried to convince her white tights or white socks would look better. But NO. Black. Tights. Oh well. I'm not as picky as my mother was with our outfits in public when we were growing up. Abby wore white dress shoes with it too. Ha! I did take the time to curl all the girls' hair this day, which is unusual. They don't like to sit to get dolled up, but amazingly, they all did very well this day. Brie's blue socks at least sort of match. Those tights though. It kills me! Ha!

 Chelsea began something new this week. Taekwondo! She is absolutely loving it so far. She's in the 4-7 age class. She turns 8 next month, but they put her here because a lot of the kids are getting ready to test for their next belt. She will likely (very likely) test for her orange belt next month and join a class with more kids her age including several girls.

 Here she is receiving special recognition for paying close attention and following directions. It is a sticker that goes on her belt. When they get five stickers they can test for the next level. At least that's what I understand. I only had a brief conversation with one of the instructors right in the middle of the class right after Chelsea brought me the sticker to hold.

Those dimples. LOVE them!
I can see her doing very well with this. We'll see if she chooses to continue with her dance. The current dance season is over and she will choose whether she wants to sign up again in the fall. It's totally her choice.

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