Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Memorial Day 2010

On Memorial Day we went to a couple parks. First, was the Scandinavian Heritage park.

This was the main reason we decided to make a stop at this park. When we go to Grandma Heit's house we pass by the Scandinavian Heritage park and Chelsea always comments on the big red horse. But we can't see that much of it from the road. So we decided to come for a quick visit. I don't think she realized it was quite THAT big from her carseat on the road. So here is a great new perspective.

What an ant would see if he looked up. Sort of. I was laying on the ground with the camera against the cement. It's my version of an artistic shot. Yeah. I'm not a photographer, but I do kinda like this picture still.

Looking at the horse up close. That's one big horse! I think she was adequately impressed.

But like all things with a three-year-old, it didn't hold her attention too long. So we looked at the waterfall and windmill and statues and some other cool buildings. We chased each other for a bit also. Not a bad action shot, eh? I was "getting" her at this point. So cute!

Here are a few interesting parts of the park. This isn't everything that's there, though. This church is quite eye-catching. There is only one place in the whole church that has nails. (They didn't tell us which part) The rest of it is held together with big wooden pegs. We got a tour of it and some background info when we went back to this park a different day. It was really interesting. But I can't remember any of it right now. You can also see a couple of the statues and part of the waterfall in this picture.

If you can't read the inscription, it says, "Let this globe depicting the seven continents of the world symbolize all our heritages."

After the Scandinavian Heritage park we headed over to Oak Park to meet up with Grandma and Grandpa Heit for a picnic and some croquet/playground time.

Chelsea still enjoys a baby swing every now and then. She's reverted to quite a few of her baby ways: playing in the walker, chewing on toys, fake crying, and pretty much whatever else Brie does normally. At least she still uses the potty and hasn't gone back to wanting diapers! Whew!

Not sure what to make of this swinging business.

Swinging is ok after all! Mommy managed to get a couple smiles.

This is Chelsea's new comfort stance. She wraps her hands up in the back of her shirt. She does the same with dresses, only it's little more immodest then! The geese had to pick the ugliest part of the grass to hang out an get their picture taken. Oh well.

With all those geese wandering around, one of them had to lose a feather eventually. Chelsea found it and started tickling everybody. Brienna was the only one not to giggle. Obviously, she's not ticklish on the head. :)

Not sure what to make of this grass business. As long as Grandma stuck close by, she was fine.


Anonymous said...

I like the new look. It goes well with all the park pictures. Was Chelsea doing her comfort stance thingy while swinging?

Rick, Erin, and girls said...

She sure was! I'm surprised you noticed that. I was going to comment on it underneath but I forgot.

Laurie said...

I like the new background! I just had to comment that I can see that big red horse from my new kitchen window, so you guys were about half a block away from us on Memorial day! We were put grilling, maybe you smelled it? Lol.

Lois said...

Yeah - the new background looks nice! It looks like you had a fun and relaxing Memorial Day!

Mary said...

Looks like you had a fun day! We did too!