Tuesday, October 12, 2010

September, minus the Brazil trip

 I will catch up someday! Here's a few from the month of September. I'll do a separate post with Rick's Brazil photos after this. 
I love Chelsea's face as she peeks around Brie. :)

 There really IS room for two in the pack n play! I try to convince Chelsea she's too big, but she keeps wanting to play in here. She wants to be like Brie too much. It's supposed to be the other way around, goofy girl.
 Chelsea started dance class at the Brick Studio. We signed her up there because we know the owner/founder Kadee Simonsen (sp?) but Kadee only teaches the older kids. Chelsea's teacher is Jordan (girl) and she adores her!

 Here is Chels with her good buddy Cheyanne. We are thrilled that they got into the same class with each other. Every Thursday afternoon from September through March we will be a'dancin!

 This is how a week and a half of September was spent. Brie got/is still getting her front FOUR teeth and got sick with a virus at the same time. I got NOTHING done. I was almost as miserable as Brie, but not quite. Poor baby had a really rough time. :( She's doing much better.

We're finally getting to some of our much needed projects. We replaced our bathroom door handle. Finally. Here Brie is watching Daddy and Chris S. take off/put on a new front door and storm door. I'm impressed with her interest and how good she was for almost the entire process.
 So the text above is smaller. I put an actual caption under the photo instead of just centering my text. Then I couldn't go back to just centered text. It only did the caption. Huh. Oh well, right?

I like to call this my little milk maid shot. I'm using one similar to this for her 11 month shot. Isn't she just a cutie pie?!

 My girls are SO cute!

 I'm going to request a chair similar to this for Brie for Christmas. Chelsea got this one for her first birthday and loved it. Now Brie loves it! Although now that I think about it, Chelsea doesn't sit in it too much and she's a little big for it anyway. Maybe I won't need one after all. Hmm. Decision.

 Chelsea is helping Brie "tie" her shoe. I recently got a new pair of shoes for Chels that have laces instead of velcro. Will I regret this? Perhaps. It's so convenient to ask her to put her shoes on and she can do it all by herself with no help at all. Who wants to teach her to tie a bow with laces? Anyone? Anyone? 

 The Schiessl kids came over with Chris to help finish up the front door. They were all so laid back. I was amazed at the calmness of the room, despite six young children in it. I'm definitely not complaining, that's for sure. :)

And we'll conclude September with this cuteness.


Anonymous said...

Chelsea looks disgusted by whatever is on the TV. Do we get to see a picture of your basement and the new front door?

Rick, Erin, and girls said...

I think she was scratching her face or something, we don't put disgusting things on our tv, especially with company. ;)

I'm waiting to post basement pictures till it's done. I've taken a few at each stage of development. It's not very exciting, though, really. We are still waiting for the guy to come put our walls back. But no rush, it's already been a couple of months. :S