Monday, December 13, 2010

Old Time Photos

 We had the girls' pictures taken a couple months ago almost. This is the free 8x10 that we chose. We also opted to get the CD and copyright release, which is very important to one who works in a photo lab and had to deal with angry customers not able to receive their precious photos for lack of a copyright release.

 These are the raw files. We have to do our own editing now to make them look old-time. Rick is good at that sort of thing. I'll let him take care of creative editing. In the meantime, I am happy to share what we've got.

 I realize that they are not smiling in, well, any of these. But I still couldn't help myself. They are still precious photos to me!

 I love this one.

This isn't all of the images, but most of them. I thought he had taken more than this, but it's all good.

I love my kids!