Monday, October 10, 2011

Brienna's Birthday Party!

 My TWO-YEAR-OLD getting ready to eat dinner.

 Here we have our guests: Daddy, Auntie Beth, and Auntie Jennifer.

 Brie can't get enough apple juice. Ever. And Chelsea was a little grumpy and refused to smile. I think she was a bit jealous, but didn't know what she was feeling. Just grumpiness.

 Grandma and Grandpa Kelly along with the newest one, Abby!

 And on this size we have the Heits: Randy, Grandma, and Grandpa. Yes,we were segregated. But it's all in love, hehe. We had a potato bar along with salad and apple crisp and a surprise addition: apple cobbler from Grandma Heit. It was all yummy!

 Time for presents! Chelsea was definitely overly helpful in this process. Brie loved all of her gifts and wanted to stop and play with each item as it was opened. A brief look through the book was sufficient to hold her till later though. 

 It's hard to tell what her favorite gift/gifts were. All gift givers were excellent selectors of gifts. Each one was meaningful to her in some special way.

And finally we have the treats! Cupcakes were the cake of choice this time around. Brie calls them muffins, but it's cute, so I didn't correct her. :) Ice cream and the apple desserts topped off a fun evening. After that we all watched the older girls play with all the new stuff and watched Grandma Heit style Abby's hair and try her hand at keeping her awake. All in all, it was a very fun time with the family. It wasn't elaborate, but Brie enjoyed it thoroughly (especially the pony decorations and balloons and of course the gifts) and that is what mattered most. Success! Happy Birthday, Brienna! She's getting so big!


Michelle M. said...

"Muffin!" cute! How did Mom style Abby's hair? You should have taken a picture of that too. :)

Rick, Erin, and girls said...

She gave her a spiky mohawk-type 'do. It was pretty cute. :)

Lois said...

Happy Birthday Brie!!! Looks like a fun party - I can't believe she's already 2!