Thursday, June 28, 2012

Lovin' Summer

 It's finally starting to feel like summer. It was even warm enough to want to play in the sprinkler! The tractor isn't the ideal play sprinkler, but it works still!


 Screaming Brie

 Brie being a bird and eating her goldfish with her "beak" off our lovely "spic-n-span" carpet. Yum.

 Abby doesn't seem to mind being on the grass, though she does crawl up on her feet and hands instead of knees and hands sometimes. She'll go right onto the rocks without hesitation either. And she'll stick them in her mouth. Yum.

 Daddy tossing Abby up in the air. You can hear her laughing. It's so cute!

Here is a short clip of Abby's cute right-leg-out-to-the-side crawling technique.
Here is our second nest full of baby birdies. There were three the first time around. They grew up and left the nest. Now we have two more. If you knock on the beam under the nest they poke their heads way up in expectation of food. It's pretty funny. These little ones are so ugly they're kind of cute.

Brie being funny and not even realizing it. I love my kids!


Michelle M. said...

Cute videos! And pictures, although I agree those baby birds are a bit ugly right now. It's nice that you have such a big backyard now for the girls to play in!

Amanda Heit said...

Brie walking around with a hockey stick was reminding me of the movie weird talking wasn't rocks fly with fire guy-probably because I watched it recently. I'm glad you're all having fun and I love how green your grass is! Ours is rather yellow and crunchy.