Wednesday, September 23, 2009

A sweet husband, Christmas dresses, and a big belly. Just not in that order

36 Weeks. I should have taken this earlier in the day instead of right before bed, but time seems to slip right on by and the day is over before we know it. Does that ever happen to anyone else?

Daddy came home with a rose for each of his girls. :)

We went shopping with Grandma Kelly also. Christmas dresses! There is more loot, you can see part of Chelsea's new winter coat, but these are just too adorable to not show off. I love that we can now shop for "the girls" instead of just Chelsea. :) It's fun to say.
I'm a dork, I know this. And yes, I'm totally paranoid that we are going to end up with a boy after all these girly purchases. We'll find out for sure very soon! Just 27 days to go right now!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Downtown Petting Zoo

What a patient animal.
You'll notice Chelsea's bad habit. She's begun biting her nails. Ugh! How do I stop that??? I don't want her to have little nubbins for fingernails. She used have such nice nails! Now they are as short as they can be without shortening her fingers themselves. Sigh. I like when Chelsea gets down too look the goat right in the face.

I love the encouragement from Daddy. :)
I'm impressed with her bravery. Sometimes she can be rather timid when it comes to touching animals. Looking at them is no problem, but touching is another story. Maybe she's just timid with dogs because they are so wild and will lick you. I dunno.

Visiting Daddy's New Office

Rick rolled his eyes at me when I wanted to take pictures of the sign and him in his office. But that didn't bother me enough to not do it!


There, that's better!

Another goof. I don't know where she gets it from? ;) This is actually the adjoining office. Rick's doesn't have any bright red walls.

Chelsea was thrilled to be in solid pink this day.

Must give hugs and kisses to the beaver! Go MSU Beavers!

Just cute. Blurry, but still cute!

This shows how long she says cheese before coming over to see the picture. Not very long. Daddy was trying his luck at catching a good smile. I don't know if one of the above pictures is actually the one that he snapped while I was filming. There were a few I didn't put up. (Gasp! I know!)

Giving Smiles

Here's a real Chelsea smile for you to compare. This night she decided she was giving people smiles. She stuck her face out at us and scrunched it up in a little grimace-like expression. It was quite cute. Here are some of the results.

Trying to give Daddy a smile and smile for the camera at the same time.

Giving Mommy a smile.

Just a funny face I caught. :)

This is a great smock bib by the way. It helps keep the stickiness off her clothes when eating her cereal. We still have to tie back her hair though, otherwise it turns into a snarly sticky mess! She hasn't learned to eat without putting her hands in her hair, or just plain pushing her hair out of her face.

This one is pretty normal too. I only took one picture at this time, can you believe it? I usually take about ten. (As I'm sure you've discovered by now, hehe.)
I just looked at the dates, this is from the next morning, after giving all those smiles away the night before.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Oreo face and Dressing up

We are all enjoying dessert after dinner: Oreos and Little Debbie snacks. Chelsea enjoyed her oreos very much, if you couldn't tell. She's been making a worse mess on her face recently than she did eating her first birthday cake! Cereal with milk is her new favorite thing. I just wish she was a little neater about it. That milk gets STICKY!!!

My girlie-girl loves to dress up. She's also showing off her new Princess pajamas that she got from Grandma. They are a size 3T. My little girl is getting so big!

This one almost reminds me of a pirate, the way her hat is flipped up.

Daddy broke out the camera for these, hence the clever camera angles. I really like how they turned out. :)

Most days outfits include at least one of her tutus and one of her hats. Jewelry is optional.

Who loves the camera? Chelsea does! Most of the time she smiles and says cheese and then is by my side ready to look at the camera before I have even taken the picture! I have to make her go back and pose again, but she's more than happy to oblige most times.

The pink lady! Another favorite accessory is her "glass slippers" and her gloves. I had to laugh when I noticed just how much pink she is wearing all at once: hat, p.j.s, gloves, tutu, shoes, carrying Minnie in a pink dress, and she was actually playing with a pink balloon at the time also. I just didn't get it in the picture. I love this kid. I think I'll keep her. :)