Chelsea is loving her second year of dance class. She's wanting to do ballet, which they do offer now at Brick Studio, but I didn't know she wanted to do ballet until after the first class was already done. So we are just going to continue with things as they are for this year and next year/next summer we will explore our options for a beginner ballet class. They have them for kids this little. I can only imagine how cute they would be in real tutus and toe shoes. :)
She's into this crookedy-type smile recently. But it's so cute!
Must be some tasty peanut butter cheese crackers and pudding. Mmmm....
Chelsea wasn't too interested in going to the MSU Homecoming parade until I reminded her about the floats that drive by and throw out candy. Then she was pumped and almost hopped in the car immediately!
If you look close, you can spy Daddy at work. It was really nice to see him at the parade since I didn't expect to, being as he was on duty capturing the day's events for the university. After the parade we headed over to the tailgating party at the dome, where we met up with Daddy. He thankfully was able to take a little bit of a break and help me get the kids fed among all the hullabaloo. Then I had to go to work for a full shift. My body was so sore by the end of the day! This was last Saturday. I was fully expecting to go into labor the next day, but alas. That didn't happen. ;)
Featured in this photo is also the Minot High marching band. These are the same uniforms that I used to march in back in high school--except the hats are better nowadays. Back in my day they were gold colored fuzz balls that looked like used Q-tips. That's what Mr. Jensen (who is still leading the band as you can see) called them. He hated them as much as we did, hehe.
It was not comfy for me to sit on the curb in my current state, but I didn't think about taking a chair. Actually I don't have a chair to take anyway, so it wouldn't have mattered. That and I don't think I could have managed the stroller, two kids, AND a chair, hehe. :)
She looks a little grumpy here, but actually she was having a great time. I let both girls go a little nuts with the candy eating and they didn't eat much during the tailgating party following the parade, but oh well. Sometimes I wonder how they are still LIVING with the small amount of food that gets into their mouths day after day.
And here we have Chelsea posing. This is a pose she learned at dance class. It's called the "Work it, Girl!" Maybe ballet would be a good way to go after all....
She is standing in Beth's basement work-in-progress. She had some sewer damage due to the flood and had to rip out a lot of her basement. Our focus here is the new flooring that has recently been laid. Isn't it pretty? There's also been a lot of work done on the foundation walls behind that new paneling you can see in the back. It's not finished yet, but we are liking the progress!
Here is Brienna playing with the Hex bugs that Beth got for her birthday.
In other news of the week: This week we completed the sale of our flooded house. So we no longer own our own home. We will remain basement rats at my mom's house for an estimated 15 more months to save our pennies and get back to the same dollars of downpayment money we had four months ago when we bought the house. But we are not flood victims. We are flood survivors. We are certainly not complaining about our living accommodations. We feel very comfortable and very loved and welcome here. We are extremely grateful for our fortunate circumstances and close family who have taken us in. We can't complain about 15 more months until full financial recovery. There are SO many that have no financial security in sight-at all-due to the flood. It's an ongoing battle that we are fortunate enough to be able to walk away from with minimal losses and full recovery in sight. We are so blessed.
More other news of the week: We traded in my Chevy Cavalier for a Buick Terraza mini van. Yes, I now drive a mini van. I can't believe I haven't taken a picture of it yet, but I haven't. I will do that at some point and let you see it. But that may not happen for a bit now. Anywho. We got an amazing deal for the Cavalier. We were going to ask for $2500 and hope to actually get $2000. (The world wide web told us the trade-in value was $2400.) They didn't even ask us what our thoughts were on what it was worth. But that's actually a GOOD thing because they offered $3000! Did we take it? Um, yes. Yes we did.
My favorite features of the van are: automatic side doors, an engine block heater, remote car locks/starter, built in DVD player, optional XM satellite radio and/or Onstar capabilities (which we aren't going to activate either one of, but it's still a readily available option), removable middle seats, and it is a very smooth and quiet ride. The girls LOVED it. Brie refused to get OUT of it after checking it out the first time. Luckily we were planning on going for a drive out to the Bishop's for a ward party, so we didn't have to fight her out of the vehicle. :) Chelsea was sufficiently impressed and enjoyed the ride, but was indifferent about getting out.
Next piece of news for the moment: I saved the best for last! Baby news! So tomorrow (October 3rd) is my due date. We've been expecting baby to make an early arrival for a couple of weeks now. But she's too comfy in there. But that isn't going to last for little baby. Tomorrow she is being evicted! At 8 in the morning (as long as there aren't too many other moms already in active labor) I will head over to the hospital and they will break my water. Hopefully that will get the ball rolling and start labor/contractions. If not, they will add pitocin and really get things going. I'm hoping I won't need pitocin, but I had it with Chelsea and things turned out peachy in the end. I'm not worried about it. I'm not looking forward to the labor part, but I am very excited about the baby part. I'm a little nervous if I think too hard about it, but I'm not worried otherwise. So if things go according to plan, we will likely have our baby before any of you actually read this! (It's coming up on 10:30 pm the night before I'm getting induced.) I'm hoping things go speedy-quick for labor and delivery tomorrow. I know many of you have had us in your prayers and we appreciate every prayer on our behalf! Thank you!
Look forward to baby pictures!